Oct 5, 2016

#1 driver of digital transformation: evolving customer preferences

In the age of the customer, the next generation customer experience will be powered by artificial intelligence. When everyone and everything is connected to the Internet, companies must leverage information and digital technologies including cloud computing, mobile, social, Internet of Things (IoT) and AI to transform how they connect with customers in a whole new way. Per Gartner, 89% of marketers expect to compete primarily on the basis of customer experience. Customer experience is a top priority and managed as a team sport. Digital business transformation will require an experimental and technology-led mindset that must be inclusive of the entire business - marketing, sales, services, IT, R&D and customer and partner communities. How can companies today leveraging technology to drive digital business transformation?

The 2016 State of Digital Transformation Key Findings: 

1. Customer Experience (CX) remains the top driver of digital transformation.
2. 55% of those responsible for digital transformation cite “evolving customer behaviors and preferences” as the primary catalyst for change. 
3. Leaders struggle to understand new connected customer behaviors.
4. The #1 challenge facing executives (71%) is understanding behavior or impact of the new customer.